Closing the Wealth Gap Starts with a High School Financial Literacy Requirement
What lessons do you wish you could teach your younger self? I hear many answers from people, but the most prominent is finance. I contend that we need to make personal finance a required subject for those graduating high school.
Improving Investor Behavior – Deciding on Enough!
At a party given by a billionaire on Shelter Island, the late Kurt Vonnegut informed his friend author Joseph Heller that their host, a hedge fund manager, had made more money in a single day than Heller had earned from his wildly popular…
Improving Investor Behavior: The Sharp Knife of Compound Interest
As investors, we seek to understand and control compound interest. Like the knife, when used correctly, compound interest is a powerful tool. Even better, the three variables behind compound interest can be put to work for anyone, regardless of income or amount saved.
Improving Investor Behavior – The Prosperity Mindset
Wealth is a mindset. In my years as a financial advisor I’ve worked with many wealthy individuals who have everyday-type jobs. From bus drivers to teachers, entrepreneurs to an administrative assistant at the Chamber of Commerce, I’ve…
The $58,000 Latte Habit
Creating a habit of saving is hard, really hard. It requires discipline and few people enjoy discipline. But your daily disciplines (or lack thereof) can have a profound impact on your future.
Consider the daily latte. The average medium latte at Starbucks costs $3.65 assuming you don’t “doctor” it up with extra flavors, different milks, etc. That cost is pre-tax. We know that $3.65 can add up, but what does it add up to? Let’s look at some simple math behind a lattehabit. The chart below illustrates the future value of that cup of coffee, depending on your consumption.
Getting Ready to Graduate? Post-College Financial Advice
When I think of what I would share with a recent college grad, saving comes first to my mind. When a person is young they have a distinct advantage – time.
In the financial world, we use something…
Financial Tips for Newlyweds
As another summer wedding season comes to a close, many new couples will, for the first time, learn financial responsibility for two. So whether you’re a young couple tying the knot or you found…
The 8 Best Financial Apps for Money-Conscious People
You’d be hard-pressed to find someone without a smartphone or tablet these days. Companies like Apple and Samsung have redefined how we communicate, what we rely on, and our ability to access information.…
Get Fiscally Fit for 2013: Part 2
Last week my partner Greg Horstman listed ten areas to review before 2012 comes to a close. This week, let’s turn our focus to 2013 and explore some habits worth adopting for the New Year.
Get Fiscally Fit: Year-End Checklist Part 1
It’s that time of year again – time to count our blessings, spend time with our families and commit to hopping on the treadmill. But as you wrap up 2012, consider getting fiscally fit too! We…
4 Financial Tips to Teach Your Kids
When I meet someone with good money habits it’s usually because they have someone important in their life, a family member or friend, who took the time to share their financial values and experience.…
7 Money Musts for College Students
As the flurry of excitement winds down for those heading back to college, the realization starts to settle in: college is expensive.
The costs don’t stop with tuition fees. From book costs to…
Seven Steps to a Responsible Financial Game Plan
Of the 11 million homeowners who owe more on their homes than the home is worth, approximately 6.5 million have never missed a payment reported Dale Westhoff of Credit Suisse Group AG.
Meanwhile subprime borrowers who received mortgage modifications…
Does Your Budget Resemble the U.S. Government Budget?
A Balanced Budget by definition: Income = Spending
If your Budget has a running deficit there are only three possible solutions to turn that into a Balanced Budget:
1. Reduce your spending
2. Raise your income
3. A combination of 1 and…