Estate Planning
Estate planning encompasses two key areas: understanding family values and the tools needed to help preserve those values. What’s important about money to you? What’s your history? What lessons do you seek to pass down to your children and theirs?
These are the most important questions we ask when it comes to estate planning. Once we understand how you desire to leave a legacy, we begin the process of coordinating the tools and people necessary to make it happen.
But estate planning begins long before the end of a life. We have the tools, training, and experience to help you have a conversation with those in your family. We can help guide discussions and broach difficult subjects with your family members. We believe honesty and clarity are essential to a successful transfer of wealth, and we’ve invested the time and resources to learn how to help our clients with this sometimes challenging process. Many of our advisors have attended the Institute for Preparing Heirs, an educational retreat designed to help advisors facilitate a holistic successful transfer of wealth.
Wills are complicated. So is estate tax code. We can help you understand the terms of your will and make the most of your contributions to family, friends or charity. We then help them understand your wishes and teach them the skills they need to responsibly handle your estate. We also:
- Help you avoid probate court
- Involve and educate those important to you
- Help you understand your will
- Avoid extraneous taxes
- Ensure your estate goes where you want, how you want
This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized legal advice. We suggest that you discuss your specific situation with a qualified legal advisor.