Tag Archive for: Physicians

PRESS RELEASE: Steve Booren Recognized as One of America’s Top Financial Advisors by Barron’s
Denver, Colo. — March 25, 2024 – Steve Booren, an independent LPL Financial advisor in Greenwood Village, Colorado, has been honored as one of Barron’s 2024 Top 1,200 Financial Advisors in America, an initiative to connect investors to…

The SECURE Act 2.0 Proposes Several Changes to How Americans Save for Retirement
The SECURE 2.0 Act aims to expand retirement savings options for Americans. It includes provisions such as increasing the age for required minimum distributions, allowing long-term, part-time employees to participate in 401(k) plans, and creating…

Overcoming Bear Market Mindsets
The S&P 500 is down about 24% as of October 3, 2022, effectively creating a new low for the year and placing it well within a bear market by the traditional definition of 20%. The NASDAQ is down about 33%, and the DOW is down about 20%.

Improving Investor Behavior – Your Personal Economy
On August 10, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released updated inflation numbers. While the top line number of 8.5% is still large compared with this time a year ago, the markets and some media outlets latched onto another statistic…

Improving Investor Behavior: The Strength of Endurance
My coach Dan Sullivan likes to say, "Amateurs practice until they get it right; professionals practice until they can't get it wrong." From athletics to engineering, medicine to money management, consistent practice is the secret sauce of…

A Necessary Bucket of Cold Water
The markets have been off to a turbulent start for 2022. With the S&P 500 down about 15 percent since its peaks in January, this year marks one of the worst starts for investors since 1970. Any number of reasons may seemingly justify the…

The Flaw of Average Inflation
The flaw of averages is the idea that plans made based on average assumptions are wrong on average. As an example, think about the statistician that drowned while crossing a river that was, on average, three feet deep.

Understanding Your Stock Compensation Sure is “Something”
Have you ever ignored doing something you knew that you should do? What “something” immediately came to mind when I asked that question?
Its OK. We all do it. Maybe that something you're ignoring is uncomfortable to face, maybe it's boring,…

ABC (and D)’s of Equity Compensation
Congratulations! If you’re reading this article you’ve likely been offered some form of equity compensation. Perhaps as a new employee, business partner, or the like. While this compensation isn’t as straightforward as a simple number…

How Do You Measure Your Wealth?
How do you measure your wealth? Most people assume there are two typical ways. The first is a simple money calculation that takes everything you own, subtracts everything you owe, and that formula gives you your net worth. Simple. Others say wealth is not a measure of the money one has but of the intangibles such as relationships, time, health, etc.

Improving Investor Behavior – Deciding on Enough!
At a party given by a billionaire on Shelter Island, the late Kurt Vonnegut informed his friend author Joseph Heller that their host, a hedge fund manager, had made more money in a single day than Heller had earned from his wildly popular…

PRESS RELEASE: Steve Booren Recognized in Forbes as a 2021 Best-in-State Wealth Advisor
DENVER, Colo. — February 11, 2021 – Steve Booren of Prosperion Financial Advisors was recently ranked No. 34 in Colorado in the 2021 Best-In-State Wealth Advisors list published by Forbes.
According to Forbes, the annual list spotlights…

Improving Investor Behavior – Hindsight in 2020
They say hindsight is 20/20, and as we make the year 2020 hindsight, it's a good time to reflect. What did we learn? What surprised us? How can we use our past to make our future bigger and better?
It was former Secretary of Defense Donald…

Improving Investor Behavior: Keep Politics Out of Your Portfolio
With the election a short 45 days away, the news stream is unrelenting. Political TV ads, postcards, and of course those phone calls during the dinner hour - it’s an all-out media assault designed to convince you that if the “other guy”…

Getting Back to Better
My goal as a parent has always been to build a better future for my kids, and to give them opportunities that I didn’t have. Whether that’s financial, educational, personal, or whatever it may be. It’s an essential part of my “why.” I think deep down there’s a part of us that wants our kids to be better than we ever were. To me, that’s progress and hope. It’s an innate and immeasurable desire - to want our tomorrow to be better than our today.