Tag Archive for: Nelisha Firestone

Five Moves To Get Your Kids On The Right Foot Financially
As parents, there’s so much we want our kids to learn: right from wrong, how to be confident, how to serve others—and how to be wise with their money. Regardless of our kids’ eventual career path, we hope they can attain financial security…

How To Manage Your Finances Coming Out Of A Recession
Recessions have a way of making us second-guess all of our financial decisions. The uncertainty of future employment or the loss of savings in a financial downturn may cause some to doubt the validity of the basics of sound financial management.

5 Important Actions To Take During Financial Literacy Month
Happy Financial Literacy Month! Financial literacy is the ability to understand your comprehensive financial situation and make effective, optimal decisions using all the financial resources you have available. Financial literacy is a lifelong…

How Women Business Owners Can Save For Retirement And Reduce Taxes
Women are expected to live another 21 years after retiring at age 65––three years longer than their male counterparts. Despite this fact, women are shockingly ill-prepared for retirement, having fewer investments and less money saved on…

What I Do & How I Help
Planning is a part of life. We plan our days, our years, our vacations, our careers…the list goes on. It’s easy to get so caught up in the day-to-day planning and focus only on what’s in front of us that we forget to do the most important…

It’s A New Year! Is It Time To Reevaluate Your Financial Plan?
A new year is often a time for fresh starts, intentional planning, and renewed motivation to conquer goals and accomplish things that are important to you. And after the year we just had, a fresh start is just what we need. As you transition…

Why Do People Really Buy Gold And What Are The Alternatives?
Warren Buffet once said, “Gold gets dug out of the ground in Africa, or someplace. Then we melt it down, dig another hole, bury it again, and pay people to stand around guarding it. It has no utility. Anyone watching from Mars would be scratching…

Your 7-Point Checklist For When Life Suddenly Changes
Let me start with a story. I live in Denver, Colorado, with my husband, Brian, and our two beautiful daughters, Addie and Eden. One perfect day in Breckinridge, Colorado, we were doing what we love to do as a family—snow skiing at our favorite…

Your Comprehensive Financial Planning Guide For Women
Over half of the wealth in the U.S. is controlled by women.[1] You are probably reading this because you are one of those women. Finances can be intimidating, so I have dedicated my career to helping women like you gain the confidence to take…

My Dad’s Story
When my Dad met my Mom, he told her that he would be a millionaire one day. From collecting hub caps on the side of the road to running a seven-figure business, this is the story of his rise and fall.

Ladies, Use These Tips to Give Your Financial Confidence a Boost
I recently came across an article titled, “Warren Buffet invests like a girl.” As a female financial advisor, I wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or jab.
Reading deeper into the article- they explain women, like men bring some gender-linked qualities to investing that can actually help. Women tend to do their research, invest calmly, and exercise patience. These are all great attributes to sticking to a long term plan.