It’s A New Year! Is It Time To Reevaluate Your Financial Plan?

pathway to 2021

A new year is often a time for fresh starts, intentional planning, and renewed motivation to conquer goals and accomplish things that are important to you. And after the year we just had, a fresh start is just what we need. As you transition into 2021 and all this year will bring, use this time to take a look at your financial plan to make sure it’s still on track to get you to your goals, no matter how many obstacles life has thrown at you lately! Here’s how to get started.

1. Create Your Budget

Get R.E.A.L about your budget? The foundation of any financial plan is knowing exactly how much you earn, how much you spend, and what you spend it on. So your first task is to Record everything you spend for at least three months (the longer, the better). This can be done by going old school and carrying around a small notebook, entering your expenses into a budgeting app on your phone, or automating the process with a service like Mint. Evaluate where your money is going. Most of us are good at frivolous spending. What can you cut? Ask yourself what’s really important. Is your spending pattern supporting what you value most in life?  Let go of past mistakes.  We’ve all made bad financial choices.  Stop punishing yourself about the past and get clear about your future.

2. Set Financial Goals

Now that you have a clearer picture of where you stand, it’s time to define where you want to be in the future. When would you like to retire? What do you want your lifestyle to look like? How much will you need in your retirement account to afford this quality of life? Retirement is a big part of financial planning, but don’t forget to include all your short-term and long-term goals. Want to buy a lake house in 10 years? Pay for your children’s education? Donate to charities? Write it all down.

3. Design A Savings Road Map

So far you’ve benchmarked where you are now and where you’d like to be. Now it’s time to make a plan to bridge the gap. Assuming an average return on your investments, how much do you need to put away each month to reach your goals on time? Does your budget allow for this? If not, what steps can you take to either reduce your monthly spending or increase your monthly income?

4. Put Together Your Portfolio

Unfortunately, stockpiling your savings under your mattress won’t get you very far. Inflation means things get more expensive each year. Your long-term savings needs to pace the cost of goods to ensure you don’t lose purchasing power in retirement.  The key to achieving your financial goals is creating an investment portfolio strategically diversified to meet your personal needs. The earlier you get this started, the more you’ll benefit from the exponential power of compound interest.

5. Define Your Exit Plan

The last part of your plan is creating exit strategies for each goal. You need to be able to access your money when you need it. If you skip this step and just dump all your savings into retirement accounts, you’ll be in for an unpleasant tax surprise when you want to pay for the aforementioned lake house or college education. So keep in mind when you’ll need to access your money and which accounts to set up to best match the timing of the need.

6. Schedule Check-Ins

At this point, you’ve set up your plan, but your work is not quite finished. Now it’s time to maintain. You’re bound to experience many life changes between now and retirement, and you must adjust your plan accordingly. Check-ins are easily forgotten, so it’s best to schedule it into your calendar. Aim to review your progress every six months or whenever your life situation changes (income change, change in expenses, change in goals, etc.).

We’re Here To Help

From a bird’s-eye view, it seems like a straightforward process, but we know that it can be easy to get stuck in the details and feel overwhelmed. But don’t worry! Our team at Prosperion Financial Advisors are passionate about designing personalized financial road maps to help people achieve their goals. If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you set up your financial plan, schedule an introductory meeting with Nelisha by calling 303-793-3202, booking online here, or emailing her at

About Nelisha

Nelisha Firestone is an LPL Financial Advisor with Prosperion Financial Advisors, an independent fee-only financial planning firm based in Denver, CO. With over 16 years of experience, Nelisha is passionate about guiding women to live their best lives by crafting their road map to financial security and freedom. Her drive to help women comes from watching her grandmother, who was widowed at the age of 49, struggle financially after her husband died. Nelisha recognizes that if her grandmother had someone in her life to offer her sound financial advice, she would have lived a much better life. That’s why Nelisha specializes in serving female business owners and single women with comprehensive financial planning and wealth management services. She recognizes that women have unique challenges, and she partners with her clients by educating and empowering them to make the best financial decisions possible. Nelisha has a bachelor’s degree from Kansas State University and is married to a Colorado native. Nelisha and her husband have two beautiful daughters, Addison and Eden, and love to spend time in the great outdoors hiking, skiing, and camping—to name a few! To learn more about Nelisha, connect with her on LinkedIn.

Nelisha Firestone

As a mother and business owner, she knows life can get busy and is full of distractions. However, financial success doesn’t happen without some meaningful planning first. No matter your stage of life, she will help you connect with your goals and craft a roadmap to pursue financial independence Nelisha has 13 years in the financial services industry. She began her career at Edward Jones in 2004 then moved her practice to LPL in 2007 where she worked primarily out of the Coors Credit Union providing advice to their membership base. She’s married to a Colorado native and is mother to two young Daughters, Addison and Eden. They love to spend time in the great outdoors hiking, skiing, and camping to name a few.

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