Tag Archive for: grand junction sentinel

wright brothers

Two Lessons from History

As a child, I found history class to be an insufferable bore. The study of people well before my time in circumstances far different than anything I would likely encounter seemed like an act in futility. But age brings wisdom, and as a chronologically…
rail yard

The “Personal” in Personal Finance

During a recent new client meeting, we had a couple tell us they had purchased property in north Denver several years ago. What was once a run-down area in the stockyards has now become a hot market, with development skyrocketing as the neighborhood reinvents itself.

The Way Out of Inflation

Imagine the entire economic output of the United States is measured in apples. For the sake of simplicity, let’s say our country produced ten apples in 2021. Collectively, we had $10 to spend on those ten apples. As a result, each apple costs $1. Simple right?
bear in the woods

Overcoming Bear Market Mindsets

The S&P 500 is down about 24% as of October 3, 2022, effectively creating a new low for the year and placing it well within a bear market by the traditional definition of 20%. The NASDAQ is down about 33%, and the DOW is down about 20%. Any…
pumping gas

The True Costs of Average Inflation

Inflation exists all around us and has only recently come to the forefront of the discussion for one simple reason: It’s not a few things getting expensive anymore; it’s everything. Or at least it feels that way.
golf ball near hole

The Line Between Improvement and Satisfaction

Imagine today is your last day on earth. Not a pleasant thought but stick with me on this. Looking back on your life, what will you have accomplished to make you proud, happy, and content? Think about that for a second. The question is worded…
bucket of water

A Necessary Bucket of Cold Water

The markets have been off to a turbulent start for 2022. With the S&P 500 down about 15 percent since its peaks in January, this year marks one of the worst starts for investors since 1970. Any number of reasons may seemingly justify the…
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Closing the Wealth Gap Starts with a High School Financial Literacy Requirement

What lessons do you wish you could teach your younger self? I hear many answers from people, but the most prominent is finance. I contend that we need to make personal finance a required subject for those graduating high school.