News Release: Steve Booren Leads Session at LPL Financial National Conference
GREENWOOD VILLAGE, Colo. – Aug. 31, 2016 – Steve Booren, owner and founder of Prosperion Financial Advisors, recently attended LPL Financial’s Focus 2016, one of the financial industry’s premier events and the largest annual conference hosted by LPL, the nation’s largest independent broker-dealer.
Booren was among a select group of top-tier LPL financial advisors invited to lead sessions at the conference, which was hosted in San Diego from Aug. 21 to 24.
In Booren’s session, “Mentorship and Family in Your Practice,” he shared best practices for working in a family practice environment, including how to lead and train the next generation and the opportunities for the business and for clients with an established family succession plan.
More than 3,400 financial services industry professionals from around the country gathered at Focus to learn new strategies and skills, expand knowledge in numerous product areas, network with peers and industry experts and discuss the most relevant opportunities and challenges facing the financial services industry.
“Even with 40 years in this business, attending this year’s Focus proved valuable by being able to gather the latest financial trends and industry best practices,” said Booren. “It was an honor to be able to share my expertise as well, and demonstrate how our family practice strives to support our clients into the next generation.”