What is the ClearView Process™?
Our unique approach is centered around helping clients achieve success. The Clearview Process is based on the use of proven financial planning principles and investment strategies which have delivered successful results over time. We believe simplicity is an undervalued virtue as it relates to financial advice, and we aim to change that.
Our goal is to take all the complexity and complication out of financial advice. We created the ClearView Process with the desire of offering simplicity, clarity, empowerment and transparency to the lives of our clients. We believe the best way to serve our clients tomorrow is to help them understand and visualize their finances today.
Using cutting edge technology, we set out to reinvent financial advice and provide our clients with an experience unlike any other.
The ClearView Process is a whole new approach to financial advice, one that uses cutting edge technology to simplify and streamline our clients’ financial lives. It consists of two primary services:
- A team committed to helping you plan and simplify your financial future.
- Cutting edge technology offering you unparalleled access to your entire financial picture, past, present and future. Furthermore it allows our advisors to answer difficult planning questions instantaneously, giving you much greater clarity on all the “what if” questions you might have.
Together these services offer an incredible new level of service and support. ClearView was created with these goals in mind:
Financial advisors should help clients understand their finances, not further complicate and mystify the process. They should help take this complicated and confusing world and simplify it for you. Make it understandable and empowering not scary and discouraging.
You’ve collected stuff throughout your life – 401ks, insurance policies, bank accounts, all that stuff. And all that stuff has always been all over the place. The perfect experience would eliminate the clutter and organize everything for you. It would mean less paper, greater simplicity, less friction, and better decision-making.
That one place should be accessible whenever you need it, wherever you are, from whatever you have. So should your advisor. Stay connected in a way that works for you, whether that’s in person meetings, phone calls, video conferencing, emails or text messages. We will be available when you need us. We are there for you.
The perfect experience would connect everyone from your accountant to your spouse. It should loop everyone in your financial world with the up-to-date info they need, when they need it, with no extra work on your part.
Financial advice isn’t just about retirement. It’s also about the little choices you make every day that add up over time. The perfect experience would help you make smarter decisions about those decisions along the way, while showing you progress towards your long-term financial goals.
Our Process
Introduction – We start with an explanation of how the ClearView approach will forever change the way you look at your finances. You’ll be able to experience for yourself what makes ClearView such a refreshing approach to managing your financial life.
Construction – Our objective is to eliminate any barriers that may interfere with simplifying and organizing your financial life. We come to you and create your own personal ClearView.
Ownership – At this point we turn over ownership of ClearView to you. You now have a personal gateway into your financial world in the palm of your hands. Everything about your financial life is now simplified, understandable and accessible. You’re in charge and we’re there to help.
Connecting Your Future with Today – With your financial life in one place, we can help you understand the relationship between what you do today and your longer term financial goals. We do this with “What-if” financial planning. Comprehensive in scope and yet easy to understand and act upon.
Your Future – We continue your progress with ongoing meetings and support, tailored to your individual needs and desires.